- Reading for Success books - Alicia Reker
- Science Literacy books - Molly Carbonneau
- Playground Communication Board - Jacqueline Johnson
- Aver M5 Document Camera - Peyton Elbers
- Large Format Printer - John Sichmeller
- Stepcraft M.1000 CNC System - Aaron Perkins
- Ipad, Osmo creative starter kit, WiFi camera, wonderspace sofa set - Amy Chapa
- Mock vehicle crash and speaker - Amy Cook
- Aver M5 document camera - Cassie Uithoven
- Cover One 620 library book repair system - Crystal Swenson
- STEM manipulatives - Jennifer Radtke
- Canon EOS 90D digital yearbook camera - John Sichmeller
- Staff and student wellness program supplies - Karen Hubbling
- "Learning the Values of Each Person" supplies - Marie Atkinson-Smeins
- STEAM Lego kits - Molly Carbonneau
- Snap 3D Printer & Glowforge CNC Router - Aaron Perkins
- 2x4 CNC Router - Darrel Van Aartsen
- Sensory Bottle Materials - Marie Atkinson-Smeins
- Document Cameras for Kindergarten - Molly Carbonneau, Jessica Van Batavia, Liza Winkler
- Varsity Poster Pro printer (for large scale projects) - Ryan Johnson
- Rocking chairs for students who exhibit distress or behavior as a preventive measure - Luci Rofshus
- Chromebooks for the classroom - Debra Hoogendoorn & Jennifer Engesser
- Wood for less fortunate students who can't afford money to build wood craft projects - Darrel VanAartsen
- Books for classroom - Deb Hoogendoorn & Jennifer Engessor
- Sets of games from Osmo - Luci Rofshus
- Subscription to classcraft.com - Becky Rahm
- Infant Simulator - Carmen Thompson
- Classroom speaker system - Diana Erickson
- Matrix system color survey to help students become aware of their preferences/strengths and the preferences/strengths of others. The color survey is a tool to increase understanding, empathy and communication by reducing prejudice & bigotry - Marie Atkinson-Smeins
- Standing desks to help students focus - Jennifer Radtke
- Classroom piano labs - Shirlee Gilmore & Beth Capistran
- Chromebooks for the classroom - Katie Mostad
- Laser/engraver - Bill Thompson
- 3rd grade science field trip to Touch the Sky Prairie - Patsy Amborn
- Books for various reading levels to help students at lower levels - Lucy Rolfsus
- 3D replicator printer - Bill Thompson
- Kindness & respect retreat for 4th grade students - Marie Atkinson-Smeins
- Amplification / Sound system for the choir room - Seana Graber
- College speech, Psychology & Sociology, virtual dementia experience - Elaine Harms & Mark Lundgren
In addition we have done special projects: Tennis Courts and Shot-put / discuss throwing area.